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McCullough v. Maryland
A landmark 1819 Supreme Court decision establishing Congress's power to charter a national bank and declaring unconstitutional a tax imposed by Maryland on the bank's Baltimore branch.
- 품사: 대명사
- 동의어:
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- 분야/도메인: 역사
- 카테고리: 미국 역사
- Company: University of Houston
- 제품:
- 두문어-약어:
하고 싶은 말
뉴스 속의 용어
추천 용어
분야/도메인: 식품(기타) 카테고리: 약초, 식용풀 등의 허브와 그 종자
spice (ground) Description: Powdered seasoning made from a variety of tropical chiles, including red cayenne peppers. It is very hot and spicy, so use ...