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도구, 공구; 페인트 브러시

A made up word meaning pen from a book called Frindle written for children. Frindle is based on a 1996 children's novel written ...


금융 서비스; Financial instruments

A passive investment strategy, which automatically creates a hedge that helps limit losses without constant supervision. This ...


사회학; 사람들

Referred to a person who is perfectly at ease with social networks of any kind; he/she understands how social media work, in ...


일반 사항; 기타

Showing the desire to buy more books, despite already owning more than one could possibly read.


언어; 은어

Can means in slang bathroom we say :" Do you know where the can is?" in common language we use "bathroom" instead of "can" .


언어; 은어

While this might mean to make a shrill cry, or to laugh or talk in a shrill manner, or even the act of a large group of women in ...


예술사; 시각 예술

Draw/Drawing+Awesome= Drawsome. Definition: a really good drawing or other piece of art (particularly of the sketching or ...

thirst watch

시계; 손목 시계

The thirst watch is a bio-watch that is capable of measuring a person's skin moisture content and reminding him/her to take a ...


언어; 은어

This term is used as a slang word to "mistake" for example : If you make another boo-boo like that, you won't have a job , that ...


인터넷; 소셜 미디어

"Human fidelity": a system of connecting to people around you in public places when the internet is not accessible by wi-fi ...


언어; 은어

English that is badly spoken by first-language English speakers. Doglish results from the blend of "doggish" (= mean, bad) and ...


엔터테인먼트; 동영상, 영화

Used to describe actor Vin Diesel when he breaks away from his typical role of mediocre acting in an action film and gives an ...

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