Invent a Term

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인터넷; 소셜 미디어

When fantastic just doesn't seem to be enough for a term and fabulous comes in as a required helper, it means that the particular ...

queue jumping economy

경제; 국제 경제

A queue jumping economy is an economy in which individuals are actively finding ways to get ahead in a manner similar to queue ...


사랑; 낭만적 사랑

A blend of extra and sprize: something lovers give each other in romantic journey. Like giving more than one present or ...


예술사; 시각 예술

Draw/Drawing+Awesome= Drawsome. Definition: a really good drawing or other piece of art (particularly of the sketching or ...


일반 사항; 기타

This is when you have so much work that you decide to sleep instead. It is both the sleep part and the procrastination part, but ...


도구, 공구; 페인트 브러시

A made up word meaning pen from a book called Frindle written for children. Frindle is based on a 1996 children's novel written ...

Go bananas

언어; 은어

Go bananas means go crazy , it's a funny way to say it but that what's used in slang , ex.I am going to go bananas if I don't ...


Hobbies; Crochet

It is an activity that people are doing more and more often. It comes from "window shopping" meaning that people go out just to ...


언어; 언어 학습

Pronounced bromshi; Complete disorder and confusion, a jumble or disorderly mass, a mess, absolute chaos, a total lack of ...


심리학; 느낌 및 상태

The realigination is imagining what we want to reach until it becomes a reality. The concept is present in the psychology and ...


컴퓨터; 컴퓨터 하드웨어

Term used to describe Apple addicts, who must always be amongst the first to buy all the newest Apple Gadgets, think poorly of ...

vespal virgin

문화; 사람들

Slang term used to describe young girls that can be seen riding around Europe (esp. Italy) on their scooters (i.e. Vespas).

Human advancements demand new terms.

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