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termoluminiscencia (TL)

A radiometric dating method based on the fact that trace amounts of radioactive atoms, such as uranium and thorium, in some kinds of rock, soil, and clay produce constant low amounts of background ionizing radiation. The atoms of crystalline solids, such as pottery and rock, can be altered by this radiation. Specifically, the electrons of quartz, feldspar, diamond, or calcite crystals can become displaced from their normal positions in atoms and trapped in imperfections in the crystal lattice of the rock or clay molecules. These energy charged electrons progressively accumulate over time. When a sample is heated to high temperatures in a laboratory, the trapped electrons are released and return to their normal positions in their atoms. This causes them to give off their stored energy in the form of light impulses (photons). This light is referred to as thermoluminescence (literally "heat light"). A similar effect can be brought about by stimulating the sample with infrared light. The intensity of thermoluminescence is directly related to the amount of accumulated changes produced by background radiation, which, in turn, varies with the age of the sample and the amount of trace radioactive elements it contains.

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