Расвета је намерна примена светлости да се постигне неки естетски или практичан ефекат. Расвета подразумева оба вештачке изворе светлости као што су лампе и природно осветљење ...
A term referring to the lamp and ballast combination, and sometimes to the entire lighting delivery system including the fixture, the optics, the particular layout and the ...
An integrated set of regularly interacting or interdependent components created to accomplish a defined objective, with defined and maintained relationships among its components, ...
A combination of equipment and/or controls, accessories, interconnecting means and terminal elements by which energy is transformed to perform a specific function, such as climate ...
Било који низ међусобно повезаних елемената који чине организовану или органску целину са заједничким циљем. Примери могу да се крећу од индивидуалног централног нервног система ...
Represents a secondary unit of measure for receiving or selling an item. For example, the stocking unit for an item might be 'each,' but you might receive an item by the alternate ...
The quantity of an item that is currently available for sale. Generally, the available quantity is equal to the on-hand quantity minus any quantities set aside for open orders.
An accounting cost method achieved by calculating or recalculating a weighted average of the cost of all inventory items currently in stock. This cost is recalculated each time ...