1. Процена нечега у односу на његову вредност, специјално према одговарајућој скали процене. 2. Пропорционална или релативна вредност. 3. Износ за наплату или ...
A comprehensive term for the various ways acidic compounds precipitate from the atmosphere and deposit onto surfaces. It can include: 1) wet deposition by means of acid rain, fog, ...
A numerical index used for reporting severity of air pollution levels to the public. It replaces the formerly used Pollutant Standards Index (PSI). Like the PSI, the AQI ...
Written authorization from a government agency (e. G. , an air quality management district) that allows for the construction and / or operation of an emissions generating facility ...
The use of materials, processes, or practices to reduce, minimize, or eliminate the creation of pollutants or wastes. It includes practices that reduce the use of toxic or ...
Престоле (лат. Thronus, пл. Throni) су класа небеских бића које помиње апостол Павле у Колошанима 1:16 (Нови Завет) и који се односе на престо Божји. ...