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Normally associated with the great smoking country of America. Daniel Boone was said to have smoked a "Missouri Meerschaum. " As the name suggests the corncob pipe is made from a corn cob, now specially grown hybrid cobs are cultivated for the making of these pipes. The cobs are dried for around 2 years before being treated and coated. One cob normally makes two pipes. The corncob pipe is very light weight and porous and adds a certain flavor to the tobacco smoked.
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- 분야/도메인: 타바코, 담배
- 카테고리: 일반 타바코, 담배
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Нутела је бранд чоколадног намаза који производи италијанска компанија Фереро(Ferrero), представљен на тржишту 1963. године. Рецепт је развијен од ...
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