Home > Terms > 마케도니아어(MK) > офшор
Where the usual rules of a person or firm’s home country do not apply. It can be literally offshore, as in the case of investors moving their money to a Caribbean island tax haven. Or it can be merely legally offshore, as in the case of certain financial transactions that take place within, say, the City of London, which are deemed for regulatory purposes to have taken place offshore.
- 품사: 명사
- 동의어:
- 용어블로그:
- 분야/도메인: 경제
- 카테고리: 경제
- Company: The Economist
- 제품:
- 두문어-약어:
하고 싶은 말
뉴스 속의 용어
추천 용어
분야/도메인: 식품(기타) 카테고리: 약초, 식용풀 등의 허브와 그 종자
spice (whole or ground) Description: Seeds from the coriander plant, related to the parsley family (see cilantro). Mixture of lemon, sage and caraway ...
주요 용어사전
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항해(38) Terms
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- 인공 유방 확대술(58)
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