Home > Terms > 카자흐어(KK) > монотип
A unique image printed from a polished plate, such as glass, metal, painted with ink but not a permanent printing matrix. A monotype impression is generally unique, though a second, lighter impression from the painted printing element can sometimes be made.
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추천 용어
Ақымақтар күні
Celebrated on the 1st of April each year, April Fools' Day is a time when people, and increasingly businesses, play all kinds of good humored or funny ...
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Browers Terms By Category
- 컨퍼런스, 회의(3667)
- 이벤트 계획(177)
- Exhibition(1)
컨벤션, 관습, 규칙(3845) Terms
- 디지털 신호 프로세서(DSP)(1099)
- 테스트 장비(1007)
- 반도체 품질(321)
- 실리콘 웨이퍼(101)
- 구성 요소, 부품 & 액세서리(10)
- 공정 장비(6)