American usage refers to a sex and comedy variety show originally intended for male audiences only. In England, the burlesque refers to a satirical play or parody on some contemporary theme.
Literally, carnem vale, or "farewell to meat", carnival is the pre-lenten festival of the Christian world. Carnival was one of the more significant Christian holidays that, ...
Long speech by a single actor. Similar to soliloquy. The speech is generally made by the actor as if speaking to himself and is revealing of his or her thoughts or feelings.
Movement in the theatre at the end of 19th Century to replace the declamatory style of the "well-made play". While Shakespeare may have had Hamlet instruct the actors to move and ...
Movement in the theatre of the late 19th Century which attempted to do away with artificialty or formalism of traditional theatre of the time. Gained world recognition through the ...
Movement that began about 1910 and that has application in painting, music and literature as well as drama. The term was first used in 1901 by Auguste Herve to works he'd painted ...