Abnormally high blood pressure. Commonly measured by a blood pressure cuff, as presented by http://www.practicalclinicalskills.com/blood-pressure-measurement.aspx
La presión arterial es la fuerza de la sangre contra las paredes de las arterias. Se mide en una proporción de dos números: Sistólica - registrado durante un latido del corazón ...
The Aidi or Chien de l'Atlas is a Moroccan dog breed used as a flock guard, protecting herds of sheep and goats. It also possesses hunting capabilities and good scenting ability. ...
The Africanis is a group of South African dogs not recognized as a breed. It is believed to be of ancient origin, directly descended from hounds and pariah dogs of ancient Africa, ...
Distinguished by its thick, fine, silky coat and its tail with a ring curl at the end, the breed acquired its unique features in the cold mountains of Afghanistan, where it was ...