A stored description of a graphic picture, either as a set of brightness and color values of pixels or as a set of instructions for reproducing the picture.
A figure of speech in which a word or idea is used to stand for something larger or more complex of which it is a part or connected with somehow. Hence, for example, journalists ...
A standard of measure, often specifically used of the system of measure based on decimal divisions developed in europe, and especially france, during the sixteenth and seventeenth ...
A printing process in which an image is represented on a flat surface that has been treated so that some areas retain ink, others repel it. Originally the flat surface was ...
Sometimes used to refer to figurative language in general, metaphor specifically is a figure of speech in which a term or name is transferred to something to which it is not ...
On of the various materials used and creative methods involved in artistic production, media being the plural form (though this latter term is often used more specifically of the ...
A meeting of bishops of an ecclesiastical province or patriarchate (or even from the whole world, e. G. , Synod of Bishops) to discuss the doctrinal ...