(1) Identifying, documenting, approving, or rejecting, and controlling changes to the project baselines.
(2) The process of accepting or rejecting changes to the project’s ...
Something toward which work is to be directed; a strategic position to be attained or purpose to be achieved; a result to be obtained; a product to be produced; or a service to be ...
An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives. See also risk category and risk breakdown structure.
Documents and presentations that provide organized and summarized work performance information, earned value management parameters and calculations, and analyses of project work ...
A risk response planning technique that indicates that the project team has decided not to change the project management plan to deal with a risk, or is unable to identify any ...
Annual or biennial plant (Raphanus sativus) of the mustard family, probably of Oriental origin, grown for its large, succulent root. Low in calories ...