A philosophical tradition that began with Confucius in the sixth century B. C. And continues to the present day. Confucianism is a practical philosophy that hopes to establish a ...
A further development of Platonic philosophy under the influence of Aristotelian and Pythagorean philosophy and Christian mysticism; it flourished between the third and sixth ...
One of the great philosophical traditions in China, according to which the individual will find peace and tranquility through quietly following the Tao.
In Buddhism, the highest good; the extinction of will and of the accompanying ego, greed, anger, delusion, and clinging to existence. Achievement of nirvana means being freed from ...
A philosophical tradition, founded by Gautama Siddhartha Buddha in the fifth century b. C. , that took on various forms as a religion and spread throughout Asia; Buddhism attempts ...
Founder of the most dominant system of Chinese thought, emphasized the perfectibility of people as well as their ability to affect things for the better.