Home > 업종/영역 > 인류학; 종교 > Mythology
The term mythology can refer to either the study of myths, or to a body of myths. Comparative mythology is the study of connections between myths from different cultures. In the study of folklore, a myth is a sacred narrative explaining how the world and humankind came to be in their present form. Many scholars in other fields use the term "myth" in somewhat different ways. In a very broad sense, the word can refer to any traditional story.
Contributors in 신화학
잔인 한 죽음의 사신
인류학; 신화학
잔인 사신은 종종 죽음 sentient 엔터티를 나타내는 단어 죽음의 자리에 사용 되는 이름입니다. 는 잔인 한 죽음의 사신 큰 낫을 들고 골격 그림 이며, 후드와 함께 검은 망 토에 ...