Home > Terms > 마케도니아어(MK) > спогодба за соработка во областа на патентирање

спогодба за соработка во областа на патентирање

provides a mechanism by which an applicant can file a single application that, when certain requirements have been fulfilled, is equivalent to a regular national filing in each designated Contracting State. There are currently over 112 PCT Contracting States.

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Kristina Ivanovska
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분야/도메인: 해부학 카테고리: 인체

мал мозок

The portion of the brain in the back of the head between the cerebrum and the brain stem.


주요 용어사전

Khmer Rouge

범주: 정치   1 1 Terms

Breaza - Prahova County, Romania

범주: 여행   1 6 Terms