Home > Terms > 마케도니아어(MK) > Мелани Ли

Мелани Ли

A molecular geneticist and microbial biologist, who in the 1980s collaborated with Paul Nurse on novel research that demonstrated the commonality of the genetic code between yeasts and humans. Dr. Lee later took her molecular skills into the pharmaceutical industry, and was a leader in moving pharmacology away from animal models and toward the use of recombinant DNA technology for screening potential new therapies. She now heads the research division of Celltech, an international biopharmaceutical company, where her team works on drug discovery and development of new therapies, mainly for the treatment of inflammatory and immune diseases.

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  • 분야/도메인: 고고학
  • 카테고리: 진화
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분야/도메인: 동물 카테고리: 거미

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