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Лојдс организации
These organizations are voluntary unincorporated associations of individuals. Each individual assumes a specified portion of the liability under each policy issued. The underwriters operate through a common attorney-in-fact appointed for this purpose by the underwriters. The laws of most states contain some provisions governing the formation and operation of such organizations, but these laws don't generally provide as strict a supervision and control as the laws dealing with incorporated stock and mutual insurance companies.
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추천 용어
студена венчавка
Вид на венчавка кај која церемонијата се спроведува на многу ниски температури. За студените венчавки обично се смета дека ја симболизираат ...
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Browers Terms By Category
- 의학(68317)
- 암 치료(5553)
- 질병(4078)
- Genetic disorders(1982)
- Managed care(1521)
- 시력 검사, 검안(1202)