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Ағылшын сюрреализмі

The British Surrealist group was founded in 1936. Its chief organising figures were the poet and critic Herbert Read, the poet and artist David Gascoyne, the artist Paul Nash, and the artist and collector Roland Penrose. In the same year they organised the First International Surrealist Exhibition in London which attracted huge public attention. At the opening Salvador Dalí gave a lecture from inside a deep-sea diving suit. Nash probably made the most significant artistic contribution to British Surrealism, and there are powerful Surrealist elements in the work of Henry Moore at that time. Other artists, in addition to Penrose, include Agar, Armstrong, Banting, Ithell Colquhoun, Conroy Maddox, Mesens, Trevelyan. In 1947 the British group merged with the French one.

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분야/도메인: 피트니스 카테고리: 운동


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