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A term adopted to describe the various patterns used to lay bricks in order to give them maximum strength. It is an approach that has its origins in the period before the invention of high-strength cement mortars, which made bonding of this kind unnecessary; but the patterns survive, representing a cultural tradition now, rather than a functional necessity. English bond, for example, has been in use for 400 years, and is based on a mix of bricks laid end on, and side on, in such a way that the cross joints are regularly spaced. Other patterns include Flemish bond, heading, stretching, and American. Refers to the pattern formed by mortar joints between bricks, blocks or stones.

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  • 분야/도메인: 건축; 디자인
  • 카테고리: 건축
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분야/도메인: 해부학 카테고리: 인체


The portion of the brain in the back of the head between the cerebrum and the brain stem.

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