Home > Terms > 카자흐어(KK) > Бағдарлама сервері
Бағдарлама сервері
Hosts and manages distributed logic and supports services, such as: high performance data access, transaction management, distribution state and session management, request brokering, dynamic load balancing and fault tolerance. The application server is frequently viewed as part of a n-tier architecture, consisting of a web server, application server, integration server and database server, etc.
하고 싶은 말
뉴스 속의 용어
추천 용어
분야/도메인: 해부학 카테고리:
жауырындардың арасындағы аралық
The part of the body that cannot be reached (to scratch), usually the space between the shoulder blades.
주요 용어사전
Browers Terms By Category
- American culture(1308)
- 대중문화(211)
- General culture(150)
- 사람들(80)
문화(1749) Terms
- Plastic injection molding(392)
- Industrial manufacturing(279)
- 제지 생산(220)
- 파이버글래스(171)
- Contract manufacturing(108)
- 유리(45)