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Ջինիի գործակից
An inequality indicator. The Gini coefficient measures the inequality of income distribution within a country. It varies from zero, which indicates perfect equality, with every household earning exactly the same, to one, which implies absolute inequality, with a single household earning a country's entire income. Latin America is the world's most unequal region, with a Gini coefficient of around 0. 5; in rich countries the figure is closer to 0. 3.
- 품사: 명사
- 동의어:
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- 분야/도메인: 경제
- 카테고리: 경제
- Company: The Economist
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Դիրք, երբ ձեռքերը կոնքամասում են և արմունկներն էլ դուրս են հակված: