Name given to the generation born roughly around the early 1980's to the late 1990's. Also known as Generation Next or Net Generation, they are the babies of the Baby Boomers and ...
Name given to the generation born roughly between the late 1990's up to 2009. They are the first generation to always have the World Wide Web, mobile phones, MP3 Players and ...
It was traditionally attributed to Gertrude Stein and was then popularized by Ernest Hemingway in the epigraph to his novel The Sun Also Rises, and his memoir A Moveable Feast. It ...
The process for introducing a new employee to the organization, potentially including a rundown of company procedures, speech by senior employee, office tour etc.
The world's most popular fruit. The most common U.S. variety is the yellow Cavendish. They are picked green and develop better flavor when ripened off ...