Matter that has the ability to flow.
The name of the water or steam that contains minerals; also known as geothermal fluids.
The name of the water or steam that contains minerals; also known as mineralized fluids.
put (kroz cijevčicu pumpe ili katetera) kojim tekućina protječe ili prolazi
istjecanje lijeka iz katetera u tkivo koje okružuje usađenu pumpu
Those liquid hydrocarbon mixtures which are gaseous at reservoir temperatures and pressures but are recoverable by condensation or absorption. Natural gasoline and liquefied ...
The property to oppose the flow of current.
The process in which current is induced in a coil whenever there is a change in the magnetic flux linked with the coil.
The motion of a body under the effect of gravity alone.
A high energy photon.
The gravitational attraction at the surface of a planet or other celestial body.
The constant of proportionality in Newton's law of gravitation, G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2
Knačni rezultati procesa učenja; ono što je naučeno.