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Human genome
The human genome consists of 23 chromosome and the small mitochondrial DNA. 22 of the 23 chromosomes are autosomal chromosome pairs and the last one being a gender-determining pair. In total, the human genome contains the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA and approximately 20,000-25,000 genes. By understanding human genome, scientists are able to develop new medical applications that can significantly advance the state of health care.
Contributors in 인간 유전체
Human genome
의학; 인간 유전체
이미지 사진 필름 또는 접시에 에멀젼-또한 radioautogram, radioautograph 라는 긴밀 한 접촉에 있는 개체에는 방사성 물질에서 방사선에 의해 생산.