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Of or pertaining to the state of the atmosphere and/or the science of monitoring, measuring and interpreting meteorological changes.
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날씨 > 기상학
북대서양 심층수 (NADW)
날씨; 기상학
A water mass found in the Atlantic at depths between 1000 and 4000 m that can be traced from there into most other ocean basins. It is formed in the North Atlantic from some 5 Sv ...
북부 적도 역류 (NECC)
날씨; 기상학
A band of eastward flow between the westward flowing North and South Equatorial Currents. The location and strength of the NECC is determined by the intertropical convergence zone ...
북부 적도 전류 (선관위)
날씨; 기상학
The broad region of uniform westward flow that forms the southern part of the Northern Hemisphere subtropical gyres driven by the trade winds. Being directly wind driven, the NEC ...