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индустријска ограничења (угаља)

Land-use restrictions that constrain, postpone, or prohibit mining in order to meet other industrial needs or goals; for example, resources not mined due to safety concerns or due to industrial or societal priorities, such as to preserve oil or gas wells that penetrate the coal reserves; to protect surface features such as pipelines, power lines, or company facilities; or to preserve public or private assets, such as highways,railroads, parks, or buildings.

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Sanja Milovanovic
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분야/도메인: 신발류 카테고리: 어린이 신발

Вештачки материјали/вештачке коже

Сви материјали који не потичу од природне коже, а који су обрађени и дизајнирани да изгледају и имају функцију праве коже.


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