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Is it easy to learn how to swim when you are old?

it is something i have been looking forward to do in a long time.
  • 분야/도메인: 스포츠
  • 카테고리: 수영
  • Created: 03:25, 29 July 2011

답변 (4)


is not porsible because of old age. yes he can but not all that good

08:22, 21 March 2012


May take more time/efforts but definitely it's possible !

04:10, 20 March 2012


didn't have the privilege of learning it when i was young,i will just give it a try

22:58, 1 August 2011


I think it is easier to learn how to swim when you are young, but i'm sure the age doesn't make that much of a difference

04:45, 29 July 2011

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