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How many liters of blood contains the adult human body?

Does anyone have an idea?
  • 분야/도메인: 해부학
  • 카테고리: 인체
  • Created: 20:47, 9 February 2012

답변 (4)


Thank you all for your quick answer ! Sorry ESB :)..I will trust barbszeder, who gives the impression that he really know the subject!

03:39, 10 February 2012


haha, ok ok, I would love to see you giving so much blood :P I´m sure about my answer, actually I´m a blood donor, and girls can give 500ml of blood 4 times per year while men can do it 5 per year :)

01:03, 13 February 2012


She Thank you Francois

03:45, 10 February 2012


No, everybody can give 500 ml blood (if he/she wants) about two times a year. It is not something special capacity. At an accident or in case of emergency (for ex: the blood is AB or 0 RH negative) it is possible to give triple or quadriple, too. We could not do that if we had only 4-5 liters.

03:31, 10 February 2012


I think we have around 4-5 liters. If you want to donate blood the maximum cuantity they can take is 500ml.

03:17, 10 February 2012


About 8 liters, it is the normal. Losing 3 liters or more from this: it is already deathly.

03:13, 10 February 2012

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