- 업종: Education
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A trade model in which all factors of production are assumed immobile between industries. See specific factors model.
A group of agricultural exporting countries, currently (2007) numbering 19, that was formed in 1986 to act as a counterweight especially to the EU in international negotiations on agriculture. Named after the city in Australia where the group first met, in August 1986.
A free trade agreement between Canada and the United States signed in 1989 and superseded by the NAFTA in 1994.
1. The plant and equipment used in production. 2. One of the main primary factors, the availability of which contributes to the productivity of labor, comparative advantage, and the pattern of international trade. 3. A stock of financial assets.
A country is capital abundant if its endowment of capital is large compared to other countries. Relative capital abundance can be defined by either the quantity definition or the price definition.
1. Since sometime in the 1990s, "capital account" refers to a minor component of international transactions, involving unilateral transfers of ownership of property. The common definition, below, describes what is now called the financial account. 2. A country's international transactions arising from changes in holdings of real and financial capital assets (but not income on them, which is in the current account). Includes FDI, plus changes in private and official holdings of stocks, bonds, loans, bank accounts, and currencies. 3. (Bretton-Woods definition) Same as common definition except excluding official reserve transactions. This definition was used under the Bretton Woods System of pegged exchange rates, but is less meaningful under floating exchange rates.
A tax on the value of a newly formed company, or one that has newly been transfered to a different taxing jurisdiction.
A good, such as a machine, that, once in place, becomes part of the capital stock.
A net flow of capital, real and/or financial, into a country, in the form of increased purchases of domestic assets by foreigners and/or reduced holdings of foreign assets by domestic residents. Recorded as positive, or a credit, in the balance on capital account.
A measure of the relative use of capital, compared to other factors such as labor, in a production process. Often measured by the ratio of capital to labor, or by the share of capital in factor payments.