The University of Houston
업종: Education
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Musical style new to the 1950s, combining black rhythm and blues with white country music. Listened to mostly by young Americans and embodied by Elvis Presley, the music softly challenged notions of sexual propriety and racial division.
African American seamstress and active NAACP member arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white patron in Montgomery, Alabama, prompting a huge bus boycott led by Martin Luther King, Jr.
A main tenet of the Enlightenment era, meaning a firm trust in the ability of the human mind to solve earthly problems, thereby lessening the role of--and reliance on God as an active force in the ordering of human affairs.
Pragmatizam (pragma = djelo, djelovanje, rad, čin i slično) je filozofski pravac koji je nastao u Americi. Predstavnici su: John Dewey, Charles Peirce, William James. Pragmatizam izražava vjeru u modernu tehnologiju i on je izraz industrijske civilizacije savremenog društva. Pragmatizam uči da cilj "filozofiranja" mora biti praktična korist. Ova ideja se nalazi svuda pa i u religiji i može se lako izraziti ovim temeljnim učenjem: Bolji je gram iskustva nego tovar teorija Ovaj filozofski pravac smatra da su ideje dobre samo kao plan djelovanja i da imaju vrijednost prema učinku - prema koristi. Kada se ideje slažu sa stvarnošću pomažu nam da se lakše snalazimo, prilagodimo. Za pragmatiste, istinita je ona ideja koja je korisna. Kritike pragmatizma su slične kritikama pozitivizma, a one se fokusiraju na jednostavno gledanje ovih pravaca i na zanemarivanje vrijednosti teoretskog razmatranja. Pragmatizam je filozofsko shvatanje, nastalo u SAD-u krajem 20. vijeka, prema kome praktična korist i djelovanje prestavljaju osnovni kriterij za procenjivanje da li su saznajni iskazi smisleni i istiniti. Na njegov razvoj uticali su pozitivizam, engleski empirizam i utilitarizam. Može se smatrati jednom modifikacijom verifikacionizma. Sama riječ vodi porijeklo od grčke riječi pragma (djelo, djelovanje, čin). Pojam korisno upotrebljava se u pragmatizmu različito: ponekad u smislu pojedinačne, ali češće u smislu opće društvene koristi ili dobra. Pragmatistički metod rješava teoretske sporove tako što iz razmatranih stavova izvodi praktične posljedice, a zatim prihvata one stavove čije su posljedice korisnije ili prihvatljivije. Ako neki stavovi ne proizvode nikakve praktične posljedice, oni se odbacuju kao besmisleni. Za razliku od pozitivista, pragmatisti ne odbacuju metafiziku u potpunosti, jer prihvataju sva vjerovanja koja imaju korisne posljedice, bez obzira da li su metafizička ili nisu. Iz takvog stava proizilazi tolerantan odnos prema različitim naučnim, moralnim, religioznim i političkim pitanjima. U skladu s tim, oni se razlikuju od pozitivista i po tome što smatraju da i vrijednosti mogu biti predmet saznanja i da sama naučna saznanja zavise od društvenih vrijednosti. S druge strane, slično pozitivistima, oni pridaju presudan značaj nauci u društvenom životu, ali se od njih razlikuju po tome što istinitost i smisaonost saznajnih iskaza određuju na osnovu društvene koristi, a ne isključivo na osnovu čisto naučne provjerljivosti.
The chemical laden fog caused by automobile engines, a serious problem in southern California. Like nuclear waste and the shrinking water supply, it reflects the problems associated with the rapid demographic shift to the West in modem times.
The main base of the U. S. Pacific fleet, which Japan attacked on December 7, 1941, forcing the United States to enter World War II.
Patriarchal social and political systems are denoted by power and authority residing in males, such as in the father of the family. Such authority then passes from father to son through the generations, and males, in general, control decision making. See coverture.
A religious reform movement formally begun in 1517 when the German friar Martin Luther openly attacked abuses of Roman Catholic doctrine. Luther contended that the people could read scripture for themselves in seeking God's grace and that the Bible, not church doctrine, was the ultimate authority in human relationships. Luther's complaints helped foster a variety of dissenting religious groups, some of which would settle in America to get away from various forms of oppression in Europe.
A backlash against immigration by white native born Protestants. Nativism could be based on racial prejudice (professors and scientists sometimes classified Eastern Europeans as innately inferior), religion (Protestants distrusted Catholics and Jews), politics (immigrants were often associated with radical political philosophies), and economics (labor leaders resented competition).
Literary style of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, where the individual was seen as a helpless victim in a world in which biological, social, and psychological forces determined his or her fate.