United States Department of Agriculture
업종: Government
Number of terms: 41534
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A country with a low per capita income. Terms such as less developed country, least developed country, underdeveloped country, poor, and southern have been used to describe developing countries. The Agricultural Trade Development Assistance Act of 1954 (P.L. 480) defines developing country, for purposes of receiving U.S. food aid, as "a country that has a shortage of foreign exchange earnings and has difficulty meeting all of its food needs through commercial channels" (Section 402(4), 7. U.S.C. 1732). Under the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, the World Trade Organization (WTO) accords longer periods of time to developing than to developed countries to phase in required reductions in tariffs, export subsidies, and trade-distorting domestic support. The WTO allows considerable latitude to countries to designate themselves as developing for purposes of phasing in WTO obligations. However, a country’s status as developed or developing can become an issue if a country is applying for membership in the WTO. China, for example, a candidate for WTO membership, has argued that it should be considered a developing country and given longer periods of time to implement WTO rules and disciplines. The United States, the European Union, Japan, and other current WTO developed country members have argued that China is too important a presence in world agriculture to be admitted to the WTO as a developing country.
La comunidad vegetal que ha sido determinada a través de un plan de uso o manejo de tierras para mejor cumplir los objetivos del plan para un sitio Web. Una comunidad de la planta deseada es consistente con la capacidad del sitio para producir los atributos necesarios recursos a través de la sucesión natural, intervención de manejo o una combinación de ambos.
Utilizado para describir la condición futura de los bosques federales y recursos de agostadero que cumplan con los objetivos de administración. Condición futura deseada se basa en consideraciones ecológicas, sociales y económicas durante la gestión de tierras y recursos, proceso de planificación. Condición futura deseada se expresa generalmente como estado ecológico o estado de gestión de la vegetación y las cualidades del suelo deseado.
This Act is P.L. 73-10 (May 12, 1933) which was the New Deal initiative to assist the farm sector during the Great Depression. This was the first comprehensive effort to raise and stabilize farm prices and income. The law created and authorized the Agricultural Adjustment Administration to (1) enter into voluntary agreements to pay farmers to reduce production of designated "basic" commodities (cotton, wheat,corn, rice, tobacco, hogs, and milk), (2) to make advance payments to farmers who stored crops on the farm, (3) to create marketing agreements between farmers and middlemen, and (4) to levy processing taxes to pay for production adjustment and market development. The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) was incorporated under the laws of the state of Delaware on October 17, 1933, to carry out financial activities, including making nonrecourse loans on the basic crops. Support for other commodities was authorized upon recommendation by the Secretary with the President's approval. Commodity loan programs carried out by the CCC for 1933-37 included cotton, corn, rosin, turpentine, tobacco, peanuts, dates, figs, and prunes. The provisions for production control and processing taxes in the Act were later declared unconstitutional in the Hoosac Mills decision of 1936. Congress responded by adopting the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act of 1936, the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1937, and the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, all of which remain as permanent law.
Un Comité Asesor Federal establecido como un Subcomité de la Junta Internacional de alimentos y desarrollo agrícola (BIFAD) prestando apoyan de sector privado y la sociedad civil al grupo de trabajo interinstitucional sobre la seguridad alimentaria.
This Act is P.L. 99-198 (December 23, 1985), a 5-year omnibus farm bill, allowed lower commodity price and income supports and established a dairy herd buyout program. Changes were made in a variety of other USDA programs. Several enduring conservation program were created, including sodbuster, swampbuster, and the Conservation Reserve Program. Shortly after enactment, the Technical Corrections to Food Security Act of 1985 Amendments (P.L. 99-253, February 28, 1986) gave USDA discretion to require cross-compliance for wheat and feed grains instead of mandating them, changed acreage base calculations, and specified election procedures for local Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation committees. Technical changes and other modifications were enacted by the Food Security Improvements Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-260, March 20, 1986), including limiting the non-program crops that could be planted under the 50/92 provision, permitting haying and grazing on diverted wheat and feed grain acreage for a limited period in regions of distress, and increasing deductions taken from the price of milk received by producers to fund the dairy termination program (also called the whole herd buyout) program. Again in 1986, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (P.L. 99-509) made changes in the 1985 Act requiring advance deficiency payments to be made to producers of 1987 wheat, feed grains, upland cotton, and rice crops at a minimum of 40% for wheat and feed grains and 30% for rice and upland cotton. The 1985 Act also amended the Farm Credit Act of 1971. Further commodity program changes were made in the FY1987 agricultural appropriations bill (P.L. 99-591, October 30, 1986). In addition to its funding provisions, P.L. 99-591 set the annual payment limitation at $50,000 per person for deficiency and paid land diversion payments, and included honey, resource adjustment (excluding land diversion), disaster, and Findley payments under a $250,000 aggregate payment limitation. Once again, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (P.L. 100-203) not only set the 1988 fiscal year budget for agriculture and all federal agencies, but also set target prices for 1988 and 1989 program crops, established loan rates for program and non-program crops, and required a voluntary paid land diversion for feed grains. P.L. 100-203 further defined who could receive farm program payments by defining a "person" in terms of payment limitations.
Access by all people at all times to enough food for an active healthy life. Food security at a minimum includes the ready availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food, and an assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways, that is, without having to resort to emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping strategies. The World Food Summit, convened in Rome in November 1996 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, estimated that 800 million people worldwide do not have enough food to meet their basic nutritional needs. Representatives of the more than 180 nations attending the Summit pledged to work to reduce this number by half by no later than 2015. Causes of food insecurity may include poverty, civil conflict, governmental corruption, environmental degradation, and natural disasters. A U.S. position paper on international (world) food security, released in October 1997, argues that food security also requires "...social and economic conditions which empower individuals to gain access to food, either by producing food themselves or earning income to buy food."
Una agencia de 10.000 empleados dentro del USDA responsable de garantizar la seguridad alimentaria en unos 6.400 carnes y aves plantas a lo largo de los Estados Unidos; la agencia también certifica los programas de seguridad operados por el estado y plantas extranjeras. Más costos de inspección de seguridad alimentaria están soportados por los contribuyentes en lugar de la industria, en contraste con honorarios por inspección y clasificación relacionadas con normas de comercialización.
Suministro de una iniciativa interinstitucional de 1997 entre la comida y Drug Administration, centro para el Control de la enfermedad, Agencia de protección ambiental y Departamento de agricultura de Estados Unidos a implementar una serie de esfuerzos coordinados para reducir la incidencia anual de alimentos transmitidas por la enfermedad y las pérdidas económicas resultantes de los consumidores y la industria mediante la mejora de la seguridad de los alimentos de Estados Unidos.
La colección de alimentos sanos para su distribución a los pobres y los hambrientos. Esto incluye campo de espigueo; los alimentos perecederos de rescate o salvamento; la colección de productos perecederos de venta por mayor y por menor fuentes; rescate de alimentos, la recolección de alimentos preparados de la industria de servicio de alimentos; y recogida de alimentos no perecederos, la recolección de alimentos procesados con larga vida útil.