Planetary Science Research Discoveries
업종: Astronomy
Number of terms: 6727
Number of blossaries: 0
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Planetary Science Research Discoveries (PSRD) is an educational site sharing the latest research by NASA-sponsored scientists on meteorites, asteroids, planets, moons, and other materials in our Solar System. The website is supported by the Cosmochemistry Program of NASA's Science Mission ...
A large cloud of dust and gas which escapes from the nucleus of an active comet.
Single-celled microorganisms whose cells lack a nucleus. Bacteria comprise a major domain of life called prokaryotes. In contrast, the cells in eukaryotes have a well-defined nucleus; eukarya include molds, plants, and animals. Another major domain is called archaea, microorganisms with genetic features distinct from prokarya and eukarya. Most methane-producing bacteria are actually archaea, but for simplicity many biologists informally refer to all non-eukaryotes as "bacteria. "
An igneous rock made up almost entirely of plagioclase feldspar. This rock dominates the lunar highlands.
Conventional unit of pressure when discussing the deep Earth: 1 GPa = 10 kilobars = 10,000 times air pressure at sea level.
Processes that change the physical structure, optical properties, or chemical or mineralogical properties of the surface of an airless planetary body from their original state. These processes include meteorite, micrometeorite, and cosmic dust bombardment, solar wind ion implantation, and sputtering, in deep vacuum and temperatures approaching absolute zero (-273 °C).
In astronomy, a comet with an orbital period greater than 200 years.
Natural sólido inorgánico con una composición química definida y estructura cristalina.
A compound formed by combining one carbon atom with two oxygen atoms, making the molecule CO<sub>2</sub>. Carbon dioxide is an important part of the atmospheres of Venus and Mars. Carbon dioxide gas condenses to a solid below -78° C. This solid is commonly known as dry ice. The polar ice caps on Mars are made of frozen water and carbon dioxide.
Persona dedicada a o entrenado para vuelos espaciales.
A compound composed of carbon and hydrogen: CH<sub>4</sub>.