McAfee, Inc.
업종: Software
Number of terms: 9143
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
Data files containing detection and/or remediation code that scanning products (such as McAfee VirusScan) use to identify malicious code.
A utility that installs updated virus definition (SDAT*. EXE) files and, when necessary, upgrades the scanning engine. It automatically shuts down any active scans, services, or other memory-resident components that could interfere with the upgrade, then copies new files to their proper locations so the software can use them immediately.
Spam forwarded by a family member, friend, or colleague. It is rarely appreciated and only serves to waste time and take up space. In a worst-case scenario, fram may contain viruses, spyware, or another form of malware.
A type of . DLL file that Internet Explorer allows to alter its behavior. This can include adding new toolbars and menu items, viewing incoming and outgoing traffic, and modifying HTML data before it renders.
La concezione che il virus di un computer di possa diffondere nel mondo in meno di un quarto d'ora. Basato sull'idea di Andy Warhol secondo la quale ogni individuo avrà 15 minuti di notorietà nell'arco della vita.
La lettera B maiuscola in "B/s" indica che questa è una misura di 8 bit per volta, da non confondere con bit al secondo ("bps" oppure "bit/s").
An account on a computer that grants the user privileges to install software, delete files, and manage user accounts. If an administrator is logged into a system when it becomes infected, the virus can affect the same functions that the administrator can control, such as installing new applications, deleting files, and modifying data.
A type of application that defends enterprises from the threats spam poses (viruses, phishing, directory harvest or DHA, denial-of-service attacks, and intrusions) and reduces unwanted network traffic that consumes bandwidth, storage, and email server processing capacity.
This firewall acts as a filter between a computer and the network or Internet. It can scan all incoming and outgoing traffic sent from a computer at the packet level, and determines whether to block or allow the traffic based on both default and custom rules.
All removable tapes, disks, CDs, and DVDs that store code and data for use on a PC.