McAfee, Inc.
업종: Software
Number of terms: 9143
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
McAfee’s global security research centers. McAfee Labs delivers the core technologies and threat intelligence that power McAfee’s suite of endpoint, web, email, and network security products. McAfee Labs is staffed with more than 350 experts in 30 countries who support customers and users by discovering and addressing breaking threats and vulnerabilities.
Programs that replace the browser home page, search page, search results, error message pages, or other browser content with unexpected or unwanted content.
A computer that is infected with a virus or Trojan horse that puts it under the remote control of an online hijacker. The hijacker uses a zombie to generate spam or launch denial of service attacks.
Also known as the partition table, the 340-byte program located in the master boot sector. This program reads the partition table, determines what partition to boot, and transfers control to the program stored in the first sector of that partition. There is only one master boot record on each physical hard disk.
A virus that infects the system’s master boot record on hard drives and the boot sector on floppy disks. This type of virus takes control of the system at a low level by activating between the system hardware and the operating system. A master boot sector virus loads into memory during boot up, before virus-detection code executes.
A virus that infects the original boot sector on a floppy disk or hard disk. These viruses are particularly serious because information in the boot sector is loaded into memory first, before executing virus protection code. A “strict” boot sector infector affects only the boot sector, regardless of whether the target is a hard disk or a floppy disk. Some viruses always attack the first physical sector of the disk, regardless of the disk type.
A list of email addresses from trusted sources whose messages you want to receive and do not consider spam.
Security utilities that are as adept at helping administrators secure their environment as they are at helping attackers gain entry to it.
An event programmed by a malware author that activates a threat, such as a date, the number of days since an infection occurred, or a sequence of keystrokes. When the trigger event occurs, it activates the virus, which then activates its payload.
A standard TCP/IP address that transmits a message to all machines within a local subnet.