George E King Consulting Inc.
업종: Oil & gas
Number of terms: 9502
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
George King is a technology provider in the oil and gas industry specializing in new technology and problem oil well solutions.
A flow regime in a highly deviated or horizontal well where the fluids are segregated by density.
Industry:Oil & gas
A flow regime in which the rising gas bubbles have enlarged.
Industry:Oil & gas
A flow regime where droplets of liquids are entrained in the gas flow.
Industry:Oil & gas
A flow region in a near vertical well, in which rising fluid or gas hinders the fall rate of liquids of solids, enabling flow from the well.
Industry:Oil & gas
A flow restriction common in downhole chokes, surface chokes and some SSSVs.
Industry:Oil & gas
A flow restriction common in downhole chokes, surface chokes and some SSSVs.
Industry:Oil & gas
A flow test designed to prove that hydrocarbon exists in the reservoir and will flow to surface. May also indicate productivity or other characteristics such as interference or boundaries.
Industry:Oil & gas
A flow test in which the flow rate is measured at four drawdowns to estimate how skin changes at each rate. Useful for identifying non Darcy skin or turbulent skin.
Industry:Oil & gas
A flow tube for a fixed bean-type choke.
Industry:Oil & gas
A flow-through plug set after pumping a frac (between stages) in a multi-fraced well and sealed with a ball dropped from surface as the next frac stage is started.
Industry:Oil & gas