George E King Consulting Inc.
업종: Oil & gas
Number of terms: 9502
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
George King is a technology provider in the oil and gas industry specializing in new technology and problem oil well solutions.
A E-line tool used to set downhole tools. Normally uses a gas propellant charge.
Industry:Oil & gas
A emulsion stabilizing mechanism, usually either surface active agent, fines, viscosity and/or charge.
Industry:Oil & gas
A enlarged area that promotes solids settling prior to a fluid entering the pump.
Industry:Oil & gas
A erosion resistant covering or main pipe that is used when tubing is set deeper than the perforations or on the long string across from the upper perforations in a side-by-side completion.
Industry:Oil & gas
A exploration method that uses an instrument to measure the intensity of the earth’s gravity. Areas with unusual readings may indicate traps or structures that could contain hydrocarbons.
Industry:Oil & gas
A external annulus ( production by surface casing for example, in which the cement behind the production pipe has not been brought up into the casing by casing annulus. The annulus is open to the formation into which the outer string has been set.
Industry:Oil & gas
A facility for removal of liquids from gas.
Industry:Oil & gas
A failure mode that can cause the cancellation-of or immediate-halt-to a project or event. Generally expressed as a percent probability.
Industry:Oil & gas
A fatigue state of metal that may be caused by trapping atomic hydrogen in the structure of the steel. Characterized by loss of ductility. May also be caused by work hardening or other factor.
Industry:Oil & gas
A fault along which there is increasing offset or separation along the strike of the fault plane. Measured from the initial point of separation.
Industry:Oil & gas