Facebook, Inc.
업종: Internet
Number of terms: 2312
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Facebook is a social networking website where users can post personal profile information, pictures, and other information and join networks based on location, workplace, school, etc. Uses can link and send messages to other members so that if their information changes, their networked friends ...
A single sign-on service that enables Facebook users to login to affiliated sites using their Facebook account and share information from those sites with their Facebook friends.  See Facebook Connect to learn more.
The official Facebook blog where you will find hundreds of posts on a wide range of subjects.
The underlying systems software and application framework that developers use to build Facebook applications.  See FAQ.
An admin is a person who's in charge of a group. When you create a group, you are automatically be listed as both an admin and the group's creator. Admins can invite people to join the group, appoint other admins, and edit group information and content. They can also remove members and other admins.
A person who has joined a page because they like what that page represents.
An advertisement. Users can create Facebook Ads to market their products and ideas. Ads are not free. Visit the Help Center to learn more.
Users can add applications to their profiles, pages, and groups. There are dozens upon dozens of applications to choose from. Some are built by Facebook. Most are built by external developers. Visit the Application Directory to learn more.  See General Application Support for Q&A.
Web log.  Used as a noun or verb.  An online diary or column maintained by an individual.  Blogs generally contain commentary,  but may also contain graphic images, videos, or descriptions of events. 
An advocacy group or online campaign for collective action. Any Facebook user can start one. A cause can be used to raise money or promote one's position on an issue. Visit the Causes Help Center to learn more.
This feature enables Facebook users to donate money to any of 21 select and specifically targeted charities.   Donation amounts are predetermined and range in value from $10 for two blankets for people suffering from a disaster or emergency to $200 for a laptop computer for a child in a developing country.  Visit Causes to learn more.