California Energy Commission
업종: Energy
Number of terms: 9078
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
California’s primary energy policy and planning agency
An investor owned utility. A company, owned by stockholders for profit, that provides utility services. A designation used to differentiate a utility owned and operated for the benefit of shareholders from municipally owned and operated utilities and rural electric cooperatives.
INDEPENDENT POWER PRODUCER. An private entity that operates a generation facility and sells power to electric utilities for resale to retail customers.
INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK. A 128 Kbps(kilobytes per second) digital telephone service available in many parts of the country though not universally available that may be able to substitute for fibre optic cable in every respect except possibly television transmission.
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. A neutral operator responsible for maintaining instantaneous balance of the grid system. The ISO performs its function by controlling the dispatch of flexible plants to ensure that loads match resources available to the system.
The acronym for Los Angeles Department of Water and Power an electric, municipal utility serving the greater Los Angeles, California, region.
Natural gas that has been condensed to a liquid, typically by cryogenically cooling the gas to minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit (below zero).
A mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons, mainly propane and butane that change into liquid form under moderate pressure. LPG or propane is commonly used as a fuel for rural homes for space and water heating, as a fuel for barbecues and recreational vehicles, and as a transportation fuel. It is normally created as a by-product of petroleum refining and from natural gas production.
100 percent (neat) methanol used as a motor fuel in dedicated methanol vehicles, such as some heavy-duty truck engines.
A blend of 85 percent methanol and 15 percent unleaded regular gasoline, used as a motor fuel.
One thousand cubic feet or natural gas, having an energy value of one million Btu. A typical home might use six MCF in a month.