American Meteorological Society
업종: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
A unit of radioactivity, defined as exactly 3. 7 × 1010 disintegrations per second.
A unit of measure for fulfillment of plant dormancy requirements prior to the start of springtime growth, especially tree fruits. Determined by totaling the number of hours during a cold season when air temperature is below a specified value. The reference temperature (base temperature) for chill hour accumulation is species dependent; for example, for peach dormancy to be fulfilled, the number of hours that the air temperature is below 7°C (45°F) is accumulated. A minimum number of chill hours dependent upon species and variety must be exceeded before normal springtime growth can begin.
A unit of frequency, abbreviated cps, identical to hertz, the modern term that has supplanted it.
A type of map projection in which features on a sphere are projected onto a cylinder. The cylinder can be either tangent to the sphere, for which contact is along a great circle path, or pass through the sphere, for which contact is along two circles.
A type of radar that extracts additional information about a target through measurement of the phase of echoes from a sequence of pulses (or an extended observation interval, as in an FM–CW radar). The phase information may be used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (see coherent integration), to estimate the velocity of the target through the Doppler effect (see Doppler radar), or to resolve the location of the target in a synthetic aperture radar.
A type of warm climate characterized by dry winters and rainy summers; that is, a monsoon climate, in contrast to a Mediterranean climate.
A type of lumped chemical mechanism used in the modeling of atmospheric organic chemistry, usually in urban areas. In the carbon bond mechanism, each carbon atom is treated in the model according to what species are bonded to it. That is, all singly bonded carbon atoms are treated together as a single entity, as are all aromatic carbon atoms, etc.
A type of ice nucleating aerosol particle characterized by its ability to initiate the ice phase in a supercooled water drop when it contacts the drop surface. Nucleation may occur at a different temperature (usually higher) than would occur for a totally immersed particle. The contact can occur through a variety of processes, including diffusion (modified by gradients of temperature and water vapor) or collection by differential fall speed.
A type of evaporation pan that is about 1 m (3 ft) square and 0. 5 m (18 in. ) deep. This pan is sunk into the ground to within about 5 cm (2 in. ) of its rim, and the water is maintained at about ground level. It is made of unpainted galvanized iron. The pan coefficient, on an annual basis, is about 0. 8.
A type of cloud seeding where microscopic soot particles are dispersed into the atmosphere in order to absorb radiant energy and thereby heat the surrounding air, possibly leading to convection.