> Blossary: 술자리 게임
한국 대학생 술자리의 재미를 더욱 업그레이드 시키기 위한 술게임!

카테고리: Food

26 Terms

Created by: HOSEOKNAM

Number of Blossarys: 42

My Terms
Collected Terms

Start the slogan with "the game of death" and point someone with the finger at the same time. The tagger speaks out the number. (There is no limitation of the number, but if you call the number is ...

Domain: Entertainment; 업종/영역: Games

Beginning with the five fingers spread, one side of each turns to raise a question and one who is positive for the question should fold a finger. Drink goes to you if all the five fingers are ...

Domain: Entertainment; 업종/영역: Games

Tagger makes an action, people notice and follow the action. A person who makes the latest action drinks. Once the game becomes long and all people got tipsy, no one knows that drunken tagger may ...

Domain: Entertainment; 업종/영역: Games

Phone as a baton is passed around people by saying a name of the subway station. When someone says out a station which already has been said or when cell phone alarm rings, the loser drinks. It will ...

Domain: Entertainment; 업종/영역: Games

Text someone you know like at the same time. Even when you choose people you know to send a message, you can limit the criteria whom to send such as the opposite sex friends, co-workers, ...

Domain: Entertainment; 업종/영역: Games

1번마~2번마~젓가락으로 테이블을 치면서 해당인원수만큼 돌아가면서 각자 번호를 외친후 1번에 2번, 3번에 1번 등등 이런식으로 자신의 번호를 말하고 그 해당번호 사람을 부르면서 진행되는 게임이다. 말이 꼬이거나 자신의 번호를 불렀는데 계속 진행하지 못하면 ...

Domain: Entertainment; 업종/영역: Games

간단한 게임중 하나이며 순발력을 요하는 게임이다. 전국노래자랑 배경음악을 부르며 술래가 일어나면 재빠르게 일어나야함. 가장 늦게 일어나는 사람이 벌주 ...

Domain: Entertainment; 업종/영역: Games

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