카테고리: Other
Created by: zzcgood
Number of Blossarys: 7
A pension plan funded out of the employer's current income whenever funds are required by retiring employees or beneficiaries, rather than out of money put aside on a regular basis regardless of ...
A term that refers to one investing with the intention of acquiring assets that are sufficient to meet or exceed liabilities in the present and future. A defined-benefit pension plan is the most well ...
Adopted by Canadian authorities, this plan allows individuals to make tax-free withdrawals from their retirement accounts up to a total of $20,000 in maximum increments of $10,000 per year. The money ...
A category of annuity distribution methods that determine payments from life expectancy charts. Two examples of life expectancy methods are the term certain method and the recalculation method. There ...
A retirement plan developed for an employer by a bank or other financial institution. Such a plan might include profit sharing, stock bonuses, thrift arrangements, or defined pension benefits.
Plan that is tied to a person's payments into Social Security. This amount will be used in calculating the total benefit that the individual will receive upon retirement. This amount could be reduced ...
An option of a stock ownership or retirement plan offered by a company whereby the employee is allowed to gain the right to access benefits more rapidly than a traditional vesting plan.