> Blossary: Christian Iconography
A blossary of Christian iconography.

카테고리: Religion

23 Terms

Created by: Silentchapel

Number of Blossarys: 95

My Terms
Collected Terms

Un'icona è un due rappresentazione tridimensionale di Gesù Cristo, Santi o eventi biblici. Al contrario di immagini religiose, le icone hanno regole molto severe su come dipingere li e che chi può ...

Domain: Religion; Gifts & crafts; 업종/영역: Christianity; Painting & calligraphy

The Veil of Veronica, or Sudarium (Latin for sweat-cloth), often called simply "The Veronica" and known in Italian as the Volto Santo or Holy Face (but not to be confused with the carved ...

Domain: Religion; 업종/영역: Christianity

Reverse perspective, also called inverse perspective, inverted perspective, divergent perspective, or Byzantine perspective, is a form of perspective drawing in which the objects depicted in a scene ...

Domain: Religion; 업종/영역: Christianity

Orans, a loanword from Medieval Latin translated as one who is praying or pleading, also Orant or Orante, is a figure in art with extended arms or bodily attitude of prayer, usually standing, with ...

Domain: Religion; 업종/영역: Christianity

The labarum (Greek: λάβαρον) was a vexillum (military standard) that displayed the "Chi-Rho" symbol ☧, formed from the first two Greek letters of the word "Christ" (Greek: ...

Domain: Religion; 업종/영역: Christianity

An icon case or kiot is a decorated case (usually foldable) or glass shelf for keeping and displaying religious icons. Icon cases range in size and design. Common Greek kiots are tall and typically ...

Domain: Religion; 업종/영역: Christianity

The Hetoimasia, Etimasia (Greek ἑτοιμασία, "preparation"), prepared throne, Preparation of the Throne, ready throne or Throne of the Second Coming is the Christian version of the symbolic ...

Domain: Religion; 업종/영역: Christianity

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