Ilana Campellone

Montreal - QC, 캐나다

0 용어    0 용어사전    0 Followers    5567 Viewers

Ilana Campellone

Montreal - QC, 캐나다

0 용어    0 용어사전    0 Followers    5567 Viewers

Ilana Campellone의 용어


엔터테인먼트; 대중문화

a Korean trend consisting of filming oneself eating large amounts of food and broadcasting the footage online for viewers to watch. Note: The broadcasts are usually live and ...


식품(기타); 국제 요리

a spicy condiment in the form of a paste, widely used in Korean cuisine. Note: Its main ingredient is dried red chili peppers, which gives the paste its red colour, and ...


식품(기타); 국제 요리

a famous versatile Korean snack consisting of steamed rice with salt or seasoned with a mixture of vinegar, salt and sugar placed and spread over a sheet of dried laver ...

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