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The structure of the human body and the organs and systems that comprise it.

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해부학 > 인체


해부학; 인체

The smaller of the two bones on the thumb side of the forearm.


해부학; 인체

The long bone in the arm which extends from the shoulder to the elbow.

쓸개, 담낭

해부학; 인체

A pear-shaped organ just below the liver that stores the bile secreted vy the liver.


해부학; 인체

The transport tube leading from the bladder to discharge urin outside the body.


해부학; 인체

The hollow organ in the lower abdomen that stores urine.


해부학; 인체

Comes after the small intestine. Large because it is wider than the small intestine.

빈창자, 공장(空腸)

해부학; 인체

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